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5 % of awakened beings in order to realise the Golden Age on our planet

By Monique Mathieu: A Quota almost reached!You told us that when there would be a certain number of awakened beings, this would cause the shift for Change. What is this quota?

They tell me:
“We can’t count that way. Rather, count as a percentage of humanity; the desirable percentage is five percent (5%) of humanity. That may sound like a lot, but you have to know that in many countries human beings are becoming more and more awake. They really want to be happy.
We can tell you that you are very close to having reached that five percent (5%). Everything will change all at once if this percentage of the world’s population is reached, i.e. it will be as if huge doors will open and you will enter the Golden Age.
It will not happen quite like that, it is an image; to change the level of consciousness of all humans, you do not need to be a majority. The great transformations have always been carried out by minorities who really had a deep desire to change things, yet they changed themselves before they could change the things around them.
Of course, three hundred and fifty (350) million people is not much compared to the seven (7) billion people who live on Earth, but five percent (5%) is the desirable percentage for Transition in the New World. »

Coco Tache supports

Obéir jusqu'à quel point ? 90 % des gens font ce que les autorités leur disent..


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