Hello friends, I just wanted to invite you to become aware of the importance of our thoughts and words. Our energy should be entirely focused on what we want, not what we don’t want.
Let us take a moment every day to visualize Switzerland without 5G, to visualize the Federal Council in the process of establishing a moratorium and taking measures to reduce the current waves, to visualize “Roger” in the process of making a mea culpa. And let us visualize, let us feel Switzerland inspiring other countries to do the same. Our cells must be convinced that this is how it works. Our actions, which are essential, of course, should be carried out in this energy and not in the energy of fear, the most paralyzing energy there is.
For me, 5G won’t pass, period. We are too many, too determined, too conscious, too united. And there are more and more of us. Even better, this issue will bring to light the problems posed by the radiation that already exists (and all the other “sympathetic” things that our governments impose on us).
This is what each of my cells vibrates. It’s very scientific what I’m saying, yes, it is called quantum physics. I invite you to try, if you haven’t already done so!
😉 And as Mother Theresa said so well, “I will not go to protest against the war, but for peace”.