We are the ones we’ve been waiting for
7sky.life offers each one of us to reflect on the beauty of our world, the humans! It wishes to play a role in people’s lives, the inspirations, to go beyond the usual daily routine. We wish that everyone gets aware that we have special talents and gifts, waiting to be brought into our world, to be cherished and nurtured.
The www.7sky.life Story Contest is in invitation to ALL of us to make a difference in our world, by simply SHARING our love, creativity, our inspiration and undertakings. By taking position for a cause we believe in, by sharing a story, which has impacted our lives deeply, by offering our revelations and by generously spreading our beauty, like the sun.
So please, if you feel the call, take a step out of our comfort zone, of our habitude, and start believing that WE ARE the ones we’ve been waiting for! And make a decision, knowing that your article, written from the heart, cannot only be published in our 7sky.life book of November and win CHF. 1’000.-, but make a difference in the life of someone!
Our 7sky.life Story Contest is on until 20th September.
- Please Register first: https://www.7sky.life/register
- Write and share an article, up to 1200 words, 6000 signs directly on your profile.
- The 10 chosen and published articles in the 7sky.life ‘Book’ coming out in November are going to be awarded with CHF. 1’000.-./each.
- The winners are going to be contacted personally in the week after the 20th September.
You can send further photos and information for the publication to dreamteam(at) 7sky.life
We are the change we want to see in our world.
In grateful collaboration with our partners:
Swisscom, Henniez, Nice Future, Discover Earth, Wemakeit, Impact Hub Zurich, Euforia.