Out of Switzerland… In times we had no clue what meditating was about, he taught us about it. He has travelled the world to find peace, has connected with masters and shamans, learned from them, and was at the right time at the right places. He’s highly interested in our financial system and he thrives for material independence. His life is a living proof that you can live with very few, and still eat well and organic, have a car and a decent house. He is able to find his food in nature, and next to being a spiritual seeker, he’s also a breath alchimiste and gives regular breathing classes. He’s a photographer, graphic-designer and an storyteller. Like the one when he left his home, walked up the mountain, and went to settle all on his own for three days and three nights in a dark cave. When he came out, snow had shut the entrance, and we can believe that his way back was pretty interesting. Sebastian reminds us of as well of the Dalai Lama, as he wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling all the time and he is a beautiful company for everyone. He has a huge bunch of answers to our questions, and is definitely a constant inspiration and wise man.