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A place called Earth – Make a greater Impact – By Cameron Brown

Text Cameron Brown

In 2016, I sold or donated 99% of the things I used to own and embarked on a global quest to show first hand, that how we run our companies, live our lives and utilize our unique talents & strengths, determines our future as a species and the well-being of our planet.

#1: The Zone Of Impact Show.
In life, we each have the opportunity to make an impact on 3 levels; our own lives, the lives of others and our planet too. In this weekly show, I share valuable insights on how to make a greater impact on all 3 levels in different locations around the world.

#2: The Relax & Recharge Show.
With instrumental music created on pianos across the globe, and nature recorded in rainforests, mountain ranges and beaches around the world, I love creating music and capturing the beautiful sounds of our planet for this weekly show that helps people relax, recharge and reconnect with what matters most.

#3: A Place Called Earth Series.
To increase people’s compassion in the world, this series showcases the natural beauty of our planet and of people making a positive impact, like the sea turtle project on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, and the natural wonders of Colombia. This series has had more than 400,000 views so far in 2017.

By becoming a patron, you’ll be supporting the creation of these and future projects (there are big things planned) that help make our world a better place. I’ve come up with some pretty cool rewards for patrons, which you can find all those details here on this page.

Thank you all so much for your support… together, we can change the world,


I spent the past 3 months filming in Colombia.

The purpose was to create a short film that inspires companies and individuals to act in a way that is not only good for them, but also good for our planet too.

It was also to show first hand, that we each have a unique set of talents and strengths in this world.

The more people using them for good, the better off we will be.

I believe in being a living, breathing example of that.

All of the shots in the film were captured with my drone and the nature sounds that you hear were all recorded while I was in the Colombian wilderness too.

I just finished the music for it on a grand piano here in Buenos Aires and am so excited to share the film with you.

Enjoy and if you’re inspired I’d love for you to share it with your friends as well.

A big thank you to patrons of mine for your support in creating this… thank you.

You can support me in the creation of future short films like this to help protect our planet.


Overflowing Mike Horn after his 5'100 km crossing of the Antarctica by foot and kite


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