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Against forced radiation and for a low-radiation world

STOP 5G National Demonstration No. 2 on the Bundesplatz in Bern 21st September 2019 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm Basel, 9th September 2019 –

After the first national demonstration in Bern 10th May, which gathered more than 2000 people on the Waisenhausplatz, a second demonstration against the introduction of 5G is scheduled for the 21st September. This time it is going to take place on the Bundesplatz and will be supported by numerous organisations and groups. The objective is to demonstrate against forced radiation and advocate for a low-radiation world.
The organizer of the event, frequencia, is an environmental and consumer
organization which deals with the risks of digitalisation and mobile technologies such as 5G. – Media representatives are cordially invited to a press conference on the 18th September 2019 at 10.30 a.m. in the Käfigturm in Bern, Marktgasse 67.

Under the flag of frequencia, the second national STOP 5G event is going to animate the Bundesplatz on the 21st September from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Several knowledgeable speakers are going to draw attention to the considerable risks to health, the environment, democracy and security associated with mobile communications in general and with the introduction of 5G technology in particular. frequencia will also make it clear that solutions exist and that we all hold the key to preserving health and
the environment in our own hands. This is the driving ethos of the organization.

The anti 5G group which gathered 2000 people on the Waisenhausplatz, Bern, in May 2019 was a spontaneous event. This manifestation, which brought together scientists, specialists from various disciplines, politicians, doctors and committed citizens from all over Switzerland, then gave the impulse for the formation of the new national organization frequencia. This organization intends to advocate for technologies adapted to man and nature. In the current debate on the future of mobile communications, frequencia sees an opportunity to take steps towards a new mobile communication infrastructure. The demand frequencia is making to the lobby and the government is clear: „The fact that 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G damage health and the environment means that consequences must finally be drawn and the state has to assume the corresponding responsibility.“ –
The association states: “We favour low-radiation habitats and freedom of choice with regard to means of communication. Knowing that 80% of all mobile connections are “indoor” (i.e. from the inside of buildings and means of transport) and only 20% “outdoor”, i.e. outdoors, we demand a low-radiation solution based on the fiber optic network : indoors should always be low in radiation. Radiation may only be used internally where someone personally wishes this. Thus, mobile masts only have to
serve mobile connections outdoors and can therefore emit much less radiation. However, every single consumer also bears a responsibility for how he /she deals with mobile technology,” says Uwe Dinger, co-President of frequencia.

On the same day, 21st September, 6.30pm, frequencia will launch its homepage www.frequencia.ch and an online information campaign aiming to raise public awareness of the health, environmental and safety risks associated with mobile technology in general and 5G in particular.
frequencia is committed to ensuring that technology is adapted to people and nature – not vice versa.

Further information: contact@frequencia.ch
DE: Uwe Dinger 061 689 19 00 and Martin Zahnd 044 341 76 60
EN: Tamlin Schibler Ulmann 024 420 22 86/079 394 79 83
and Coco Tache 079 208 47 84
IT: Patricia Schera 091 791 85 91

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