Dearest friends, today I write to you with all my vulnerability and understanding of the moment. Have you already heard that the big demonstration in Berlin has been banned by the government and that it will certainly take place anyway? They are expecting millions of people. That the winter WEF has been postponed to the summer of 2021? That we risk a second lockdown with much more drastic measures than the first one, like Melbourne? That the shops that were closed the first time could also be closed, so… shortage this time? That 75-80% of jobs will be lost over the next few months and years? In any case, it’s not pleasant, BUT… we wanted it. Let’s say, a whole other world is waiting for us at our door, and to discover it, we needed to make this human experience, we needed to live the yin and the yang. We needed to discover what we want, and what not. We, as humanity, have gone very, very far in our destruction, in our way of consuming, in our disrespect for life and all living things. We wanted to learn, and we wanted to change things. And this is what is happening now. Today, in this period when so much is at stake in matter, each of us is asked to connect to the divine, to our mission on earth, to become tools of this Christic energy that circulates in each of us ! It is enormous, and even if I am certain that in the end love always wins, the period ahead of us will be hard for all of us, and especially for those who do not prepare themselves, who believe that normality will return. Today, each of us can make a difference by being exactly who we are, by letting ourselves be pierced by inspiration, by living our trinity body, soul and spirit in unity. This will create an energy field and make it easier for others to pass through, to be able to access it so much faster. BUT, we will not be able to continue to live our lives as we did until now. If we want to escape from this control that is played out in 3D, we need to drastically change our lives, to inform others about what is at stake, to be there for each other. The collective will become important, the meetings, the exchange of love and ideas. Who knows how much longer we will have internet? We are all invited today to THINK and FEEL our new world, in harmony, in total respect with the living. Because by thinking and feeling it, we will create it. This is our creative force, wooow… And the more we have this same vision, the more we will create it. The world I visualise is a world where nobody has to die of hunger, where violence against the living will no longer need to exist, because everyone will feel seen, loved, recognised, and above all, they will be in contact with their own grace, their own love, their own understanding of who they are. And of course, flora and fauna will flourish. Everything that harms the living will disappear, because we will have created a living organism that will always come to the rescue where it is needed. That’s it… And see you soon, at Sarah’s Samadhi Project in Geneva… Let’s exchange, let’s prepare ourselves, let’s be together… With all my love, Coco***