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Being Awestruck with Jason Silva

Epiphany Addict. Influencer, thinker, public speaker, filmaker and successful television personality. Venezuelan-american Jason Da Silva is a young powerful communicator. Science and philosophy lover. He ponders the most crucial questions every human being faces: who are we? What are we here for and how are we evolving? What is love? How do we live a life with purpose? How is intelligence evolving?

Follow his youtube channel and to the “Shots of Awe” video series to get instant shots of mind-blowing inspiration!

“Ever ponder the miracle of life? Or perhaps wonder about the evolution of intelligence? In Shots of Awe, Jason Silva chases his inspiration addiction as he explores these topics and more. Every week we’ll look at the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz.” – Shots of Awe


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