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What is the biggest Gift you can offer someone ?

Please find herewith with much pride the spot we’ve created in collaboration with Swisscom for their ‘Offer Mindfulness’ Day, held in Switzerland 20th May 2016.

It is a spot with a true message. Beautifully filmed and directed by Anthony Tâche, who captured 4 different scenes with 4 ‘couples’, who first appear lonely, sad, but the moment they connect, you can feel their happiness level raising. It is inviting all of us to spend real quality time together, and the beautiful gesture of offering a Gerbera flower says it all. Thank you for this inspiring initiative, Swisscom !

In grateful collaboration with:

Suria Grogg (little girl) & Fiona Zanetti

Robin Finger & Manon Moulin

Richard & Aurélia Rentsch

Annika & Jessica Horn

Coco Tache supports

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