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7sky.life Connection VI – by being love, only beauty can be created…

Dearest dearest all of you, present at the 7sky.life Connection VI in Lausanne the 13th November… we all together made it happen.

There was so much beauty, so much magic and love, it is almost not describable.

And I’ve come to an incredible conclusion, this event and all the beautiful people helping us to make it happen has shown me one very important fact, proven actually that we have still some job to do in order to understand how we can even more share our gifts and talents, and our projects. The revelation came to me thanks to my great friend and speaker Dieter Broers, who explained us how in a scientific test, they united social and asocial cells on a surface exposed to 150 MHZ, which is actually the frequency of our sun, and thanks to the lowering magnetic field of our earth, the frequency of the sun attains us more. We’re invited to stick to our truth, to who we are, the prophecy of the HOPI Indians, We are the ones we’ve been waiting for is coming through. In the first two hours of these cells being on the same surface, there was no communication between the asocial- and the social cell possible, because the asocial cell only thinks of itself, tries to get all it can get, and the social cell is always caring that everyone gets exactly everything it needs to function perfectly, in a perfect balance of giving and receiving. Imagine, the first two hours, nothing happened, the asocial, cancer cell, did not open itself to it’s mates, but after two hours, a tiny current started to flow between them, and information of the social started to reach it. And 24 hours after the beginning of its exposure with the 150 MHZ frequency, the asocial cell had become social, and it was healed from cancer! Wohoooo… And this is happening to all of us right not, thanks to the lowering of the magnetic field.

There was an other highly beautiful moment, after having shown the film INNOCENCE, this incredible film with mostly wild animals living together with us, the humans… At one stage at the Conference, I said that the animals could understand what we say, and right at that moment, a dog in the room whimpered. The only time during the whole Conference. Yes, nature IS talking to us, our flowers, plants, our animals. I learned from Dieter as well, that in each garden where a person is sick, plants grow that are able to heal the sickness of the person. Only, it is not recognized from us. But these times are ahead, as this deep understanding is making it’s way through to all of us who are ready to hear it… Oh wow! Imagine! Life is even so much bigger than we could probably have sensed it…

And I have understood, thanks to this immense generosity I had experienced all around me, thanks to all the beautiful friends around me, that even if in general I ‘give’ much – and I receive ‘enormously’ much as well, but even if we organise great events, have great organisations, we’re mostly still in an ‘asocial mood’, because we simply give too much. Not taking into consideration, that there is already a perfect harmony flowing if we are aligned with our heart. Today, we are invited to welcome a profound new understanding of more balance in our lives…. And there is a way into this understanding, which I can’t wait to submit to you soon, as a common invitation to enter our true self in a perfect harmony with all the other living beings.

At the Conference, I got offered this incredible painting of a woman, Nathalie, who came specially from Monaco, because she had seen the Vibraconference with Gwennoline, where I talked about the event, and she brought me THIS painting, from a woman, Carole Adrait, she met in line at Amma’s visit in Toulouse. They just spoke together and this painter woman, without knowing me at all!, had the intuition to offer me this incredible painting! She said it was important that it showed to the crowd… And you know what? I literally fell on the knees when I saw it, just a few minutes before the event started, I was soooo touched… How special! For me, this painting says ‘together’, it has a very strong connection to dolphins, the animal realm and their messages, for me, it is pure love, spreading harmony into the world, and it says ‘TOGETHER’, the golden era… Where all of us, walking the same path, are going to work together. Where we recognize the beauty in the other, and that all of us together are the key for this immense transformation in a heart centred world that awaits us all.

In the next few weeks, we’ll propose you a paper of value, showing how this world could look like if all of us started to become and behave in a ‘social’ manner. It is absolutely different from what we still see on our earth. Wherever we are, and whatever we do, there are things we are invited to change, because now do have this consciousness, because we are ready now, and because this is our responsibility!!!

It is with my greatest humbleness and gratitude that I wished to add to this text this beautiful photo our friend and author of Conversation avec mon Coeur, Audrey Hulin, took from me and the painting, just a few minutes before the 7sky.life Connection started. The next issue, 23rd May, is going to carry the title: ‘TOGETHER’, thanks to all of us, and all of these great revelations.

Let’s just BE and shine love, as this is what we really are, and by being love, only beauty can be created…


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