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Carpe Diem – Fabian Cancellara

Fabian Cancellara is the new Olympic Champion in bikeracing ‘against the watch’. His trainer sent him the following message the same morning of his victory. When I read its content, I only had one wish, to take this energy contained in it and using it every day in my life.

“Today all is reduced to one question: How bad you want it? (The victory) – You want it so badly so that nochting can stop you, no one can beat you, there’s not one single reason that can make you complain about it. Go out there, use your power, give it all today, because tomorrow doesn’t exist anymore. It’s all for today and it will be a great day”


Chris Monnard supports

Zlatan ou quand les failles d'un guerrier-footballeur en font un homme...


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