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Darkness and Light. John Legend.

I personally really like it when mainstream artists get real. In other words when they decide to dig deeper, open their heart and provide meaningful messages. I like it because I know that this message is going to reach many hearts out there. Darkness and Light is the new album presented this early December by grammy awards winner John Legend… With his new songs he shares his own life experiences made of good times as well as hard ones, pain and joy. “Darkness and Light digs into John’s long-standing devotion to social justice, the challenges and rewards of a marriage constantly in the public eye and the recent birth of his first child, Luna,” said producer Blake Mills. The artist’s favorite new song is titled Right by You and it was written for his his seven-month-old daughter Luna. ‘When I played it for her and Chrissy for the first time, I just started crying because it felt so real to me and felt so appropriate for how I feel as a new father,” he said. Love me Now is an invitation to be love in action, to stop postponing and to love here-now without holding back… to turn darkness into light, to turn evil into good.



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