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The light at the end of the tunnel

It comes closer and closer. With every minute and with every hour. Even if it doesn’t look like it on the outside yet, the light is coming closer.

Today is the 21.12.2021. 9 years, a cycle, after the 21.12.2012, which brought us from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. For a long time we have been hoping that things would get better, that there would be less violence, less destruction, less duality. But everything, it seems, has increased. This is where the crisis plays to us, for it has as its mandate to remind us what our true values are, what we stand for, and what we really want for ourselves, our fellow humans, and our children.

Let us walk together through the tunnel towards the light that awaits us at the end.
Yes, there is the rumbling, the turmoil and the great commotion on the surface of the earth, but it is our choice whether we want to live this reality or rather move hand in hand with our sisters and brothers towards the light.

Tonight at 18h00 the 20 year old ambassador of our new time and wise councilor of https://thenewearthmanifesto.com offers us her 10th LoveStream, where she entrusts us with some things that we may never have understood before.What the great invitation of our time is, what she was told before she incarnated on earth. And more.

Today, at 11.11 we also founded our association ‘Living Earth’ at Wienerwald. A 100% solution-oriented and transnational networking platform that will see the light of day in the spring of 2022. You can look forward to it!

And we are looking forward to you!!!… Together, Now! We are the ones we have been waiting for.

With much love from the Wienerwald,

Coco, Catharina, Priska and Franz***

To watch Christina von Dreiens’ Lovestream 10 from tonight at 6pm European time in German and English, register here : https://christinavondreien.ch/events/christinas-love-stream10-live
The link to the crowdfunding of Living Earth will be sent to you shortly.

Coco Tache supports

We are Peace - Christina von Dreien's incredible Peace Project, about to conquer the world


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