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Your ‚go-to‘ guide to prepare for a cycling holiday

Over the past couple of years, cycling holidays have gained more popularity. It’s understandable why bike travels are on the rise. When you’re travelling around the country on your bicycle, you’re allowing yourself to connect more deeply with the locals and nature. It enables you to stop and enjoy a beautiful sunset or take a break underneath an old tree. In other words, it allows you to dictate the tempo of your journey and focus on locations that matter the most to you. 

As much as it sounds fun, it’s vital to keep in mind that cycling around the country is not easy at all. If you’re determined to pack your bags and hit the road, it’s advisable to start with preparations at least three months in advance. The time you’ll need to organize the trip depends on the nature of your journey. No matter how long you intend your cycling holiday to be, it’s vital to be ready for this amazing adventure. 

Create a list of the things you’ll need

If you don’t want to experience any troubles on your journey, it’s vital to start with the preparations on time. Create a list of things you’ll need for your cycling holiday, and purchase everything before you hit the road. Provide adequate clothing and food and water supplies that will last until you reach your first destination. 

Ensure you always have fresh water in your backpack and buy light snacks that will provide you with proteins and nutrients. Learn about cycling equipment and purchase gear that will make you feel comfortable. Plan your training and ensure you’ll have enough strength to complete your journey. 

Create a cycle route

Before you climb on your bike and start pedalling towards your goal, create a cycle route. That way, you’ll always know which way to go. Make sure you always have a map in your pocket in case you end up in a place where you won’t be able to access the internet. Highlight places you want to visit and try not to make any sudden changes during your journey. If you plan to visit obscure travel destinations, try to learn more about the area. You might end up in a place where you won’t be able to travel by bike at all. That’s why it’s vital to create a cycle route and learn more about the places you want to visit. 

Don’t go beyond your limits

Some people are not ready to ride around the country for a month, and that’s okay. Cycling is all about fun. You probably want to enjoy your holiday and spend quality time with your family or friends. If you don’t think you can handle a long journey, create a shorter route. You don’t want to be exhausted all the time and come back home even more tired than you used to be before the journey began. 

If you’ve never been on a cycling holiday before, a three-day trip is a good start. That will give you the idea of what to expect on your next journey. It’s vital to set a destination according to your abilities. Instead of struggling to reach your goal, ride at your own pace, and try to have fun on your holiday. After all, that’s what this is all about. 

Ride the bike as often as you can

Riding a bicycle for a few hours a day is not as easy as it sounds. You will need to train often to ensure you’ll have enough strength for your cycling holiday. Try to ride a bike as often as you can. Instead of taking the bus to get to work, try riding your bicycle. That will help you stay physically active and build strength. If you start your journey unprepared, it will be hard for you to keep up and reach your goals. Add cycling to your daily routine if you can. We’re all busy, and most people don’t have enough strength or time to ride around the city. However, it’s not impossible to make some changes that will prepare you for the upcoming journey. 

Engage in regular physical activities

Cycling is not the only type of physical activity that will help you build strength. It is of great importance to exercise at least three times a week. If you can, try to incorporate wellness into your daily routine. 

Some people don’t believe that they can keep up and exercise daily. Analyze your schedule and eliminate activities that are not vital for your physical and mental well-being. An average person spends at least two hours a day scrolling through social media. Instead of informing yourself about what’s trending on Twitter or Instagram, use some of that time to exercise. Not only will you feel a lot healthier, but you’ll also build strength for your cycling adventure. 

Choose your clothing carefully

Adequate clothing is crucial for your cycling journey. Without appropriate clothes, you will be very uncomfortable during the whole trip. Keep in mind that you will spend at least a few hours a day on your bike. Most people start their cycling journey in the middle of spring or summer. That means that there will be times when you’ll have to cycle in the sun. Without appropriate clothing, your skin won’t be able to breathe, and you might have to deal with skin irritations and sweating. To avoid that, purchase the finest cycle clothing and accessories that will lower the risk of skin irritation. 

Bike shorts and long sleeve shirts made specifically for cycling will give you the most comfort while riding. Although cycling clothing is not cheap, it’s vital to invest if you want to ensure comfort. 

Ride early in the morning

If you have the option to choose to ride at your own pace, start cycling early in the morning. That way, you will avoid severe heat waves that may harm your health and drain you even more. Always wear sunscreen and drink a lot of water. If you’re riding in the sun, take short breaks often and ensure your stomach is full. Don’t ride in the afternoon unless it’s necessary. If you plan your holiday carefully, you will never have to deal with sunburns and possible skin damage. 

Wear a protective biking gear

Being a traffic participant comes with a lot of responsibilities. Always stay alert and follow all the rules. Be mindful when riding a bike, and pay attention to other traffic participants. You’re not supposed to be riding recklessly, especially if you want to visit big cities. Locate bike paths and wear protective gear when you’re on the road. 

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to ride carefully, other traffic participants may contribute to road accidents. It’s vital to wear your protective gear to minimize the chances of getting hurt. Invest in a quality bike helmet and wrist pads. Your safety should be very important to you. No matter how expensive the gear can be, it’s vital to invest in your protection. 

Take care of yourself

Riding a bike for a few hours a day requires a lot of physical strength. Eat well and drink plenty of water to ensure you’re healthy and well-hydrated. Shower once a day and rest well. Always keep your camping gear with you, because you won’t be able to spend every night in a motel. Although it may sound scary, for most people, camping in nature is a positive experience. You will learn more about yourself and experience something new for the first time. 

People who are determined to visit small villages and explore the countryside cannot expect luxury on their journey. After all, the main purpose of your trip is to reconnect with nature and try new exciting things. Ensure you always have clean clothes with you and change them regularly. If your trip lasts longer than a week, make sure to wash your laundry often so that you always have a clean pair in your backpack. 

Learn the basics of mechanics

During your trip, it’s vital to inspect your bike daily. If you want to complete your journey, you will have to learn how to clean and lubricate your bike. You might have to clean your bicycle daily if you’re riding in wet and muddy conditions. 

Lube the chain frequently to avoid breakdowns. You don’t have to be an expert, but it’s vital to learn a thing or two about proper bike maintenance. Locate bike service centers if you need to replace tires, or if you notice any malfunctions that you can’t fix on your own. 

Ride on different surfaces

Riding on bumpy roads or rocky paths will be a part of your daily routine. You have to prepare yourself for this experience, which is why it’s vital to practice on these surfaces. Climb on your bicycle and ride outside your comfort zone. Don’t assume that this will be easy. It’s vital to learn how to handle your bike in these situations. People often refuse to participate in these activities before their trip. Try to push yourself to explore different types of terrains and motivate yourself to practice as much as you can. That way, you won’t face a lot of difficulties during your trip. 

Train in a variety of weather conditions

Determine how various weather conditions may impact your riding style. Riding in hot weather is not the same as riding in the rain. Prepare yourself for possible weather changes and ensure you have adequate gear in your backpack. During rainy days, it’s advisable to wear appropriate waterproof gear. Train in a variety of weather conditions to prepare yourself for the upcoming journey. Try to avoid riding in the winter because you can easily get hurt. Follow the patterns and variations in the weather forecasts. That will ensure you always have adequate clothing and gear. 

Purchase a high-quality bike

Before your journey begins, make sure your bike is in good condition. However, if this is your first cycling trip, make sure to purchase a mountain bike for beginners. A high-quality bike is vital for a successful trip. Choose a bicycle that fits your needs and make sure that it suits you. A mountain bike is ideal for handling difficult terrain. Determine your budget, but don’t hesitate to invest more. A good-quality bike may serve you for years. Try to consult other cyclists and ask them what type of bike is ideal for your journey. Experienced cyclists will be able to give you solid advice. Mountain bikes dominate the market, and for a reason! However, if that seems too much for you, purchase a road bike instead. 

Learn more about the places you want to visit

If you’re travelling outside the country, it’s advisable to learn a few words and phrases that will help you communicate with the locals. Learn how to order food or ask for directions and learn about their culture as well. It’s vital to become familiar with cultural rules if you’re planning to travel around an exotic country. 

Discover tourist destinations and visit as many places as you can. Document your trip and try to become friends with the locals. Most people fail to realize the importance of communication during their journey. It’s vital to reach to the locals and inform yourself about the road that lies ahead. That way, you will never get lost and always have someone on your side to help you if you need support. 


Preparing for your cycling holiday is not easy, but it’s worth it. Once you build your strength and equip yourself with appropriate gear, you will enjoy your trip to the fullest. Create a cycle route, but don’t be afraid to improvise and try something new. As long as you know how to get back on the main road, exploring other areas is more than recommended. Don’t forget to bring your charger and enough money for food, water, and accommodation. Sleep under the start if needed, but make sure you and your travel buddies are safe. Once you become aware of all the things you need to take care of before you hit the road, it will be easier to fill your journey with joy and comfort. 


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