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DEVOTED / a video documentary on skateboard media

I’m really happy to introduce my video documentary on skate media called « DEVOTED ».

My name is Lucas Beaufort, I’m a 35 year old french artist possessed by the skate culture. I’ve always been a huge fan of print magazines, I collect every single piece since I was able to read. Skateboard magazines were the only way to get news from the world, it meant so much to me before Internet.

I decided to pay a tribute to people who spent their life documenting skateboarding. Writers, photographers, skaters and brands built it all together for over 30 years now.
My study is focused on 3 key periods : 90’s to 2000, 2000 to 2016 and the next 10 years.

Since March 2016, I’ve travelled the globe across Europe, US, Japan and Australia to meet the most influential skateboard media in order to know more about their vision and the future of print.


« DEVOTED » is a tribute to people who spent their life documenting skateboarding.

Lucas Beaufort



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