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the people of the new times

by Alexandra

The people of the new times know that with the fall of the old world, with its old systems, life is now truly beginning and they are in great anticipation, radiating their vitality. They will help you to see the light on the horizon that reflects the shine of the streets of gold into a new time and they will encourage you to follow the call of your heart so that you can fulfill your God-given calling, your assignment, your mission that is already written for you. Start reading them in the stars, in the sky of the night.

See, we will reach out to each other, love again where we once hated.

See how we will complement each other where we once competed.

See how today reveals what was long hidden.

The choice around a decision can no longer be postponed. It is the people of the new era who are here to make it happen. They are aware of the importance of coming to terms with everything that was dark, uniting the darkness with the light is part of their mission.

Let us take each other by the hand, in spirit.

Let us join our hearts in love.

Let us lead our souls in trust through the storm of change – knowing that nothing and no one will ever be able to extinguish it.

The people of the new age hold the light, a lattice of love. To protect the collective soul, the collective consciousness, our so beloved human family.

Coco Tache supports

The new power that is emerging is the power of transformation


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