The qualities of the new times – 7SKY.LIFE

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The qualities of the new times

Do you feel it too? This great change that is in the air? Everything wants to come to light at the moment. The truth wants to be recognized. And we are witnessing it – what a gift…

  • to be able to witness how individuals bravely and courageous, despite immense defamation and serious accusations in the mass media, with their sleeves rolled up, continue to move forward with such an impressive clarity!
  • It is so good to see, how the masks fall!
  • How people find each other thanks to this time.
  • How forward-looking projects are born.
  • How money starts to flow into regenerative and awesome projects.

We were allowed and continue to learn that it only works together! That our origin is the same. And that everything is only a question of time until…

…realization and revelation happens. And we continue the way with a new consciousness. Like last week in Rahel’s nature temple in the northern Black Forest. Where we again received a very clear picture of what the great invitation of our time is and where we are heading.

If you like, take a look at this inspiring video in german of the one-week nature temple development in the northern Black Forest with Rahel Ries.

Where it goes with us also has a lot to do with joy! With our children!
And the invitation to us to become like children!

Because through enthusiasm and through joy our energy is activated.

Many indigenous peoples have long been talking about the change that is upon us NOW. Here’s to the most insightful and well-known prophecies that all announce the same thing.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.
It is through joy that we resist.
The prophecy of the Q’eros Indians.
The prophecy of the eagle and the condor.

Our ‘The Vision of GOOD’ &.
‘The New Earth Manifesto’ Congress in Zurich,
from Saturday, 27th and Sunday, 28th of May.

And feel in, if you have not yet registered for the congress ‘the vision of good‘ in German, whether you want to be there live or via online streaming. We feel that the concentrated energy of all speakers and people on site will reach a very special high,…

…and that history will be written.

Just like back then with our Haggenberg Week.
We are weaving our New Earth’, in which the great change that is ahead of us all was for the first time really bundled, ‘described’, ‘demonstrated’ and ‘tangible’. We can all rejoice in what we have created together in such a short time. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of us :))).

The invitation we are facing now is: Are we really ready to let go of the old, and surrender to the qualities of the new time? This is what we both, Priska and Coco, will talk about right after the opening ceremony on Saturday morning in Zurich. We are so looking forward to the great WE,
which all the indigenous peoples also talk about.

Yes, we will meet!
July 22, 2023! The very first ‘Ackerkonzert‘ (field concert) for the soil, the soil life, for ALL of us!!.. organized by the Bio-Foundation Switzerland and our Wise Council Mathias Forster. At Hofgut Rengoldshausen in Überlingen (Lake Constance region), 40 musicians from the Nuremberg State Philharmonic Orchestra will pay homage to the soil with Beethoven’s 6th Symphony, together with so many people from many different networks. There are currently still 140 tickets for sale here: And here it goes again to our so highly vibrating community call, which we were allowed to lead with Mathias and some wonderful representatives of the Nuremberg State Philharmonic Orchestra and the farmer from Hofgut Rengholdshausen.
We are looking for a New Suitable Nature Location for our World Humus Restoration Day Retreat July 23-26 for about 100 people.
If you have any wonderful ideas, please contact
More info to follow…

With a Pentecostal pre-hug,

Your Priska, Coco, Benédicte and Valeria, together with the wonderful-fine people, who make all this possible***

Written on Planet Earth around 24.05.2023

Coco Tache supports

We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For


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