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Dieter Broers

Right now, we feel very very blessed. Getting to know Dieter Broers closer has been a huge gift for us. Since years, we follow greatly inspiring authors, speakers, people who are able to change consciousness of humanity through their words, communications, conferences. The German Dieter Broers is one of these outstanding humans, offering his whole being, all his understandings, his studies to humanity.

We’ve got to know the bio-physician and awesome author thanks to Yvi Waldraff in a conference he gave in Zurich. Since then, we’ve become friends. And by getting to know him even better has shown us the huge parallels we have in our lives. Imagine, Love in Action is Dieter Broers most common word. Presenting the love in action of the humans of our world is 7sky.life’s reason of being. He has greatly studied the sun and knows its effect in us, (the sun is our logo) he is a specialist of the pineal gland and the great role it plays in our lives. Since little, Dieter has felt that we’re all one. But people weren’t ready for him. Neither in his own family, nor in his school. Fortunately, there was one man who acted as a guide for Dieter him being little. It was his granddad. And even the day he left his body, they continued the discussion on the non-material form. Wow! What a man, Dieter! In the middle of September 2016, 17th and 18th, Dieter will offer the world ALL his greatest outcomes and discoveries since his 60 years of career in the spiritual- and scientific world, surrounded by his own greatest inspirations and path-mates! A coming out of an immense understanding of our world! Our planet! Of what lies beyond. Today, Dieter knows that we can heal ourselves through love and joy, and it is scientifically proven. Even more, through the diminution of the Earth Energetic Field, he knows that we’re heading right into an era where direct connection with the divine and telepathy will be accessible everyone. We couldn’t be happier than having Dieter with us on 7sky.life as a friend and supporter, and we can’t wait supporting him as well in his first ever Conference in Vienna, an event of the next level! A coming out of himself, his beauty, his love, his centeredness… Be there, if you can!…

Chaos & Ordnung



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