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Being different is not a problem, but a chance.

Walking is like a meditation to me

To exchange with others is important, really important! That’s why I wish to exchange with you, dear reader, some of my experience I have made in Nepal last year.

I have visited this wonderful country from middle of October till the end of November. Every year on the end of October, people in Nepal celebrate Dashain, which is a fifteen-day-long national festival while Hindu and Newar people celebrate together. To my understanding, I haven’t totally understood all the practices and details around this festival, but what people have told me and what I saw is that among other practices, they worshipe the goddess Durga by sacrifying a goat.

During the period of this festival, I was doing a trekking, which brought me step by step closer to the border between Nepal and Tibet. This made the walking even more interesting, because not only the landscape changed by gaining altitude in the Himalayas, but also the culture switched from Hindu to Buddhist. At some point, somebody told me that while the Hindus sacrifice a goat to worship their goddess, Buddhists on the opposite of the valley pray for the dead soul of the goat.

I don’t know if it’s really true, but I found the correlation between those two religions kind of fantastic. Certainly, the two religions are pretty close, at least for my western understanding, but I am convinced that diversity is one of the biggest treasures for our humanity.

Being different is not a problem, but a chance.

Raphi supports

Mai-Lee project | guided by the love for nepal and its people


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