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Discoverearth Account hacked and the invitation to learn out of difficult situations

Our beautiful friend Robin Finger, founder of the amazing naturepage Discoverearth, just found his instagram page hacked two days ago! 2,5 million followers! His life, his heart, his passion, his job… established over years, nurtured daily, just gone! What a shock! The question might greatly arise, but who am I without this page? I’m loosing ground.

For me, everything is going to be resolved within shortly! At one stage, he’ll be able to get in touch with the facebook- and instagram makers, and they are having the keys to help him get his account back. In the meantime, I see it as a beautiful invitation of his soul and his lifeplan to connect deeply within himself as a person! To connect with whom he really is a man, his aspirations, his love for himself, for the world!

And once this is done, once his energy is high up again, he’ll attract the solution into his life! It’s one example of things happening every day out there. Moments that seem difficult, moments out of our comfort zone, into the unknown… But it’s really these moments that help us grow, help us getting into our truth, our beauty, that offer us resets, in order to jump higher and further the next time. So that we can offer the life-essence of who we really are to the world! Overflowing, prosperous, in perfect alignment with all there is. Robin, everything is going to be allright, you’re such an amazing soul, so happy to have you in my life, and greatly with you…!!!


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