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His latest album Divide rocked all possible world charts in less than a week from the release. Ed Sheeran’s success comes from his talent, for sure, but also from his ability to embrace being a weird guy. He grew up feeling different, he was stuttering and had to wear big glasses since he was a child, didn’t have many friends but he never gave up on himself. “Be yourself, embrace your quirks: being weird is a wonderful thing”, says Ed at the American Institute for Stuttering Gala. This is the only way to being unique and having your own special way to experience this one life! The beautiful story of the pop star is an inspiration to embrace our unique shape, stop hiding and conforming and shine into the world. The very difference that makes you feel “wrong” can be your road to a successful and fulfilling existence. Dare to be unapologetically YOU.

“Having things that make you different help you become an interesting person. Most of the people I knew that were normal in school are all pretty dull right now — they go to the gym four times a week and look at themselves in the mirror a lot, but they don’t really have a lot to say.… Most of the people that are successful started life off as a weird kid with no friends.” Ed Sheeran


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