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Eden`s Paper | 100% Plantable Wrapping Paper

Text : Eden`s Paper, submitted by Tosca Waeber


Every year in the UK, tonnes of paper waste is generated from people throwing away used and torn wrapping paper after Birthdays, Christenings, Valentines days, Anniversaries and many more special occasions. In 2012, enough used wrapping paper was thrown away after Christmas, in the UK that it could have wrapped around the world nine times, that is A LOT of waste and is the problem that Eden’s Paper solves.

Eden’s Paper is 100% Plantable Wrapping Paper. So, instead of throwing away your wrapping paper in the bin, you can now plant it to grow things like Broccoli’s, Onions, Chillies, Carrots and Tomatoes!


How cool is that?

Just Imagine in spring you can watch wild flower growing out in you backyard or on your balcony and remind you of that beautiful day . It will put a smile on your face and lift up your heart. For sure! We love this idea… finally something that makes me wanna wrap gifts again. Although the newspapers and old magazines were cool too!




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