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A mixture that does us no good… Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Here is a video showing what the combination of fluorine, aluminum and glyphosate does to us in contact with radiation.

We are often informed about the effects of glyphosate, fluoride, aluminum and radiation on our bodies, but always in a distinct way. We also know that these products are all extremely harmful to health and that we are all encouraged to reduce them as much as possible. What we may not have known until now, however, is that their combination creates in us an amalgam that makes us, so to speak, controllable and programmable human machines. In perfect harmony with the existing artificial intelligence. Maybe there’s a plan behind it, because… What dangers could humans pose to the artificial intelligence that do not obey the instructions of the machines?

This video with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt gives us a clear overview of what we can expect if we say yes and amen to all the industrial products that are offered to us. Whether it is industrial food, salt, toothpaste or fluoridated water, or products such as vaccines and others that contain large quantities of heavy metals.

I tell you, let’s eat healthy, especially not industrially, organically and preferably locally, drink fluorine-free water, add fluorine-free salt to our food, use fluorine-free toothpaste and inform ourselves how we can remove heavy metals, as well as amalgams from our teeth, from our body. To avoid that one day we will be exposed to this formula that makes us an artificial human intelligence.

Personally, I also believe in love and joy, the more joy, friends, family and love we surround ourselves with, the less low vibrating products can affect our minds.

Coco Tache supports

What’s going on in our world? Ladies and gents, we need to wake up!


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