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Eva Blanco – Handpanplayer – “I offer journeys of sound”

Music expresses that which cannot be said and what you cannot be silent about. Since my childhood I’ve been curious about all the philosophical questions in life. My curiousity has led me to where I am today: therapeutic bodywork and playing music. My vision has by now manifested itself into the following projects: I have the goal to bring the Handpan to institutions where people with special needs live. These precious human beings normally don’t have access to an instrument with such a soothing sound. My experience in disabled and dementia residences has always been very touching. Another project of mine starts in Fall 2017. I will have the chance to work with patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries. A further heartfelt vision in the same direction is to accompany coma patients. I am convinced that music finds its own way into our protected inner space. If you know someone that live in such a condition, I would be grateful if you would contact me or recommend me. Further activities I love doing with my Handpan are organizing musical journeys, playing at events and yoga lessons.  Biography Since I was a child my philosophical disposition has led me to ask questions about life and even beyond the boundaries of life. This enthusiasm, the will to understand life has led me to explore different pathways. Music, dancing, singing, yoga, tai chi, paintings, traveling, exploring my true self and bodywork. 1999 I started the diploma course as a shiatsu therapist, after its completion the following further trainings were carried out: Shiatsu on the massage table, Dorn and Breuss, nutrition, tongue and pulse diagnosis, resources of the body to cure traumas, anatomy and psychology of the nervous system, deepening of pelvis and spine, touch for health I & II, EFT technique, process support, singing bowls massage and many different massage techniques. (Ayurveda, chinese massage, lomi lomi) The last couple of years, I shifted my interest to music and in the musical field to therapeutic healing benefits. In all cultures of our world music is a key component in the healing arts. Sonic oscillation is applied to cure many diseases. I make use of this wonderful fact in my work and my experience with people with specific needs.


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