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Fashion Revolution by Zero Waste Daniel

Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world: did you know it? Being consumers, we all, consciously or unconsciously, participate in this negative cycle. We all should consider consuming less and choosing carefully what we buy, focusing on high quality long lasting items as well as fair-trade and ecologically smart. The good news is that some people are creating new ways and solutions. The brand Zero Waste Daniel is born in the US thanks to the genius of Daniel Silverstein, a clothing designer from New York. The edgy label is stopping the cycle by recovering the materials that usually goes into waste during the fabrication of clothes (in average 15-20% of the  fabric) and turning them into super cool garments! They’re all about being highly creative, recycling and upcycling cutting room scraps. Zero Waste Daniel offers basics as well as very fun, fashion, pieces: in their shops you can see them in action, creating clothings, and you can even have them make them unique customized items for you!



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