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Feng Shui, the ancestral science of wellness architecture and the importance of bringing it in the right light


In the early 90s, I first read an article on Feng Shui. The journalist was talking about an invisible energy called “Qi”, present in all living spaces. In particular, he explained that it must circulate properly in space, otherwise the inhabitants of the place could be affected in different aspects of their lives. Over time, many publications on this subject have appeared in the West and the advent of the Internet has strengthened this movement. Choosing colours, placing objects, images, symbols or other representations in space are all simple and general remedies available in this abundant Western literature.

The West is not the centre of the world

But what are we really talking about? Feng Shui was invented more than 3000 years ago in China and the foundations on which it is based date back 5000 years. During this same period, we have witnessed in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin the birth and fall of great empires, the development of technical prowess and the rise of several artistic and philosophical movements. And yet we find it perfectly normal that Chinese civilization, the oldest in the world, without interruption until today, has only generated rudimentary methods to enable human beings in particular to have a more favourable life. Is this not a form of Western condescension towards everything that does not come from our culture? Or perhaps simply a lack of interest and healthy curiosity on our part?

The arrival of Feng Shui in the West

What we call Feng Shui in the West is in fact a very incomplete form, misunderstood or taught, or even false depending on the applications. So what really happened? And where does this misunderstanding come from? Mao’s rise to power, and mainly the cultural revolution of 1966-1976, brought a sudden end to the practice of ancestral Chinese disciplines, as they were mainly reserved for the elites, and therefore for the old regime. Persecuted and forced into exile, the Masters depositaries of knowledge, found refuge in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore and thus preserved this millenary heritage while the People’s Republic of China chose to forget part of its past. In 1978, the new Chinese President Deng Xiaoping pursued a policy of openness and reform of the country and, as a result of training, the millenary Chinese disciplines arrived in the West in the early 1980s. For example, it was during this period that traditional Chinese medicines, certain martial arts such as Tai Qi or Qi Kong and of course traditional Feng Shui, all from the same Taoist roots, arrived. In the middle of the New Age wave, a Taiwanese bookseller, who emigrated to the United States, had the unfortunate idea of inventing a model, inspired by Taoism, and proposed to Westerners a version of Feng Shui that we know today: a mixture of “Zen” decoration, colour psychology and an arsenal of psycho-magical objects. Above all, it is a very great commercial success, supported by a lack of knowledge of the East and a deep human need to access more happiness, quickly, simply and independently. Asians call this Western Feng Shui, “Mac Feng Shui” in reference to the famous fast-food chain. Quickly absorbed, quickly digested, but leaving you hungry! On the other hand, everything happens for a good reason and in this case the interest of this approach is at least that it has made the West aware that there are powerful, invisible and intangible forces that affect our lives.

The ancestral science of wellness architecture

Authentic Feng Shui is in fact an ancestral science of the environment, initially based on the observation of nature, then on urban planning and architecture, whose energetic effects condition the existence of human beings. It allows us to understand, for example, why in Zurich, the golden triangle, formed by the junction of the Limmat and Sihl rivers, enjoys exceptional conditions to promote wealth, and why mountain regions are better for healing and family stability. Depending on everyone’s life priorities, this discipline helps us to choose regions and homes that support all aspects of our lives: health, relationships, careers and material goods. This is the reason why Feng Shui has been used mainly as an ancestral architectural science. The inhabitants of Chinese cities built on its principles, such as Ganzhou 1200 years ago, still enjoy an excellent quality of life. Its ideal application is therefore linked to the art of building and the right place. In the first century BC, the Roman architect Vitruvius bequeathed us the 3 key criteria of architecture: “firmitas, utilitas, venustas”. The Taoists added “felicitas”. A better knowledge of this ancient art and its integration into current real estate projects would allow us to live in greater harmony with our natural environment and would bring a favourable dimension to our evolution of life.

A rich and complex training and profession

Feng Shui is also a cultural heritage and a rich and complex profession based on strict ethics. It is based on precise reference frameworks and proven analytical systems. Rigorous protocols and a working tool called “Luo Pan”, or geomantic compass, are essential to make a complete diagnosis and provide tailor-made recommendations to meet the specific needs of users. A complete training with a recognized Master is also a prerequisite for a serious practice.

The West therefore misunderstands what Feng Shui is, but 30 years of myopia is nothing compared to the thousands of years that have allowed it to become what it really is. Misunderstanding can now give way to true knowledge, provided that the effort is made to go to the source of knowledge.



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