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Finding the Light within Yourself

Despite the shiny facade, the fact is, we live in dark times. And, for most people, the darkness comes from within.

Somehow, in the age of ubiquitous connectivity, we have managed to shift our priorities to the inconsequential material world. Instead of focusing on spirituality, transcendental knowledge, and growth, humankind is stuck in repetitive patterns of self-limiting, self-loathing behavior.

We don’t have to look further than social media and pop culture to see how dark our times truly are. But notwithstanding the gravity of the situation in which we find ourselves, it is still possible to turn things around. For that to happen, however, we need to muster up the courage, and finally, look within. It is only there that we will be able to find our light.

The Ways of Our Ancestors

In the last hundred years, humanity has made tremendous scientific progress. However, the more we learn about Mother Earth, the more determined we are to ruin her.

Pollution, global warming, and mass extinction have been well on their way for the past century. In fact, some scientists suggest that as many as 10,000 species could be going extinct every year. And the culprit? Us, humans.

Our mere existence on Earth shouldn’t be a threat to other species. Neither should our wellbeing. But our greed? It’s the greatest enemy of all.

Today, numerous enlightened people are going back to ancestral living – a simpler life, which proposes we make do with what we have. It doesn’t require superfluent sacrifice. Just a slight change of lifestyle. And its results: a healthy living focused on physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, deep connection, and balance with the world around us.

In other words, a world of light.

Going Back to the Natural State

In my view, finding the light within yourself comes with going back to your natural state. It requires doing away with the screens, the sitting, the processed junk food, and the severe alienation we’ve all somehow made our reality.

For some people, that’s too much work. But for those searching for something deeper, it really isn’t a high price to pay. My own journey towards a lighter, more fulfilled being, started with physical self-care.

At first, I changed my diet. Having read about the benefits of plant-based and raw, I decided to make incremental changes. Ones I wouldn’t necessarily notice.

Then, I switched from my habit of self-harming high impact exercise and decided to go with something more beneficial. I took up yoga and hiking, along with the daily walk or bicycle ride.

My last self-care change was to wake up early, which is one of the contributing factors to a healthy sleep-wake cycle. It wasn’t always easy, but the more I stuck to it, the better it made me feel.

Room for Spiritual Growth

As I slowly started to feel better in my own skin, I noticed something else. Suddenly, I was enjoying a deeper, more understanding connection with myself. And, in places where only darkness dwelled before, I finally saw traces of light.

You see, I made the conscious decision to block out the distractions of modern life. Instead of wasting time on social media websites, or mindlessly consuming irrelevant content, I decided to focus on something more spiritual.

With mindfulness, I learned how to listen to my body and my thoughts. Meditation taught me how to slow down and take a moment. And the practice of gratitude showed that there were light and positives in everything around me. Including myself, even on the most difficult of days.

A Vision for the Future

Looking back, on my journey towards self-care, I discovered two unexpected things. The first was a profound understanding of who I am in this world. The second was the realization that even on my darkest days, I could still find something beautiful within.

But that flame which burns needs to be kindled, and fed, and nurtured so that it can shine. Without self-love and self-belief, darkness will inevitably take over.

One more thing I learned was that the light within doesn’t just shine for ourselves. Self-care and meditation are wonderful tools that we can use on our journey of self-knowledge. But the true gift of humankind is the ability to radiate our light on others.

And that’s my vision for the future.

As each one of us completes our individual journeys of finding the light within, we will inevitably come together. Away from the distractions, the greed, and the unnatural habits of the 21st century. Back to the way things are supposed to be.

But for that to happen, we must all take that first step. Whatever it is for each person.

Are you ready?


Rescue of a dolphin


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