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Peace is only possible through freedom and freedom can only be reached through truth

THE UNPACKING OF LAURA EISENHOWER ! (World War II, deep state, satanism, adrenochrome, … )

Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower (* October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas, under the name of David Dwight Eisenhower; † March 28, 1969 in Washington, D.C.) was a general in the U.S. Army and, during World War II, the Supreme Commander of the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Europe. As a Republican Party politician, Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. He was also a member of the anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), a member of the Bohemian Club for Men, an ultra-exclusive club to which most Republican presidents since Herbert Hoover have belonged. His role in history is undoubtedly debatable, but one thing is certain: thanks to his background, he had a thorough knowledge of politics. In his closing speech on January 17, 1961, he warned explicitly and unequivocally against the threat of a profound change in the state:

“Us, the institutions of government, must protect ourselves against any unauthorized influence, intentional or unintentional, of the military-industrial complex. The potential for a catastrophic increase in misdirected forces exists and will continue to exist. We must never allow the power of this combination to endanger our freedoms or democratic processes. We must not take anything for granted. Only vigilant and informed citizens can ensure that the gigantic industrial and military defence apparatus is properly linked to our peaceful methods and objectives, so that security and freedom can grow and prosper together”.
On 27 April 1961, John F. Kennedy confirmed Eisenhower’s warning in his historic speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association:

“We are dealing with a monolithic and evil global conspiracy that is extending its influence by clandestine means: with infiltration instead of invasion, with overthrow instead of elections, with intimidation instead of self-determination, with guerrillas fighting at night instead of armies by day. It is a system which, with enormous human and material resources, has set up a complex and effective mechanism linking military, diplomatic, information, economic, scientific and political operations. Their plans are not published but hidden, their failures are buried, not published, protesters are not praised but silenced, no investment is questioned, no rumours are printed, no secrets are revealed.
To what extent was Eisenhower initiated into the secrets of the deep state?
It is particularly interesting in this context that historians and contemporary witnesses are still firmly convinced that President Eisenhower was in contact with extraterrestrial beings at the time. In 2012, the Hoffpost also published an article entitled “Eisenhower Met With ETs Says Ex-Government Consultant”.

This controversial issue has been debated for years both within and outside the UFO community. According to Timothy Good, a former government consultant, the story is true. According to reports, the 34th Commander-in-Chief, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had actual contact with outsiders at an Air Force base in New Mexico.

“Foreigners have made both formal and informal contacts with thousands of people around the world, from all walks of life,” said Good, author, speaker and former congressional and Pentagon adviser, in Frank Skinner’s BBC2 programme “Opinionated”.

Good believes that even the deep State has been in constant contact with extraterrestrials for many years. In 2010, the explosive nature of the situation was further highlighted when a video surfaced in which retired New Hampshire state representative Henry McElroy Jr. revealed that he had seen a secret briefing document for Eisenhower. According to McElroy, the document contained information that foreigners were in America and that Eisenhower was actually meeting with them. (See The Daily Telegraph 

Eisenhower’s great-granddaughter unwraps: Message to the Dark Forces.
Laura Eisenhower has been doing educational work for several years now, but she has been completely ignored by the mainstream press. But with the awakening of humanity, her subjects are becoming more and more explosive. Her latest message is a difficult one.

Hi, I’m Laura Eisenhower. I had to share this with you. I want to make public a message to people like Bill Gates. I could give you a long list of people I want to reach. I’m talking about the members of the cabal. I’m talking about the people who are trying to install a New World Order. I’m talking about those who manipulate and abuse people. I speak to those who are in consort with the demonic forces, who are doing everything to establish a new world domination for themselves and the enslavement of humanity.

By their actions they abuse and violate the cosmic and natural law of free will. Laura says that we understand the dark role they are playing, but that they are going too far!

They have no right to do what they want here. Mother Gaia keeps the planetary consciousness elevated and millions of people open their minds and realize what others have discovered about the lies and deceptions of the cabal. Their corruption and their most criminal activities when they put others in compromising situations that do not come close to what is actually done. What they have done and are still doing is a violation of natural law! It does not and will not work.

They cannot control us, they cannot possess us, they cannot suck our energy. This is not a political thing, it is a crime against humanity. And that is not acceptable! I’m part of the Eisenhower family. My great-grandfather was president for eight years. He had direct experience with all kinds of extraterrestrials, both malevolent and benevolent.

There were projects that led to the infiltration of most of the centers of power in the U.S. government. There were also secret space programs. All of our hard-earned money and taxes were used to fund these secret projects, as well as (false) flag activities to defraud us. But it won’t work.

Laura, in her own words, has had a telepathic connection with her great-grandfather, Dwight D. Eisenhower, since childhood.

She says people will decide and take a stand. The cabal has no right to our bodies, to our health. It’s obvious that what they’re using here is a biological weapon. It is obvious that vaccinations must be used to monitor us, to control us.

It is absurd to think that the cabal thinks it can get away with it. The power of cosmic and natural laws and of creation itself is diametrically opposed to this program against life.

There are greater forces at work that do not allow the cabal to get away with it.

Laura puts it this way: “What I perceive, I would say, is the pity of wanting to play the role of the dark one to such an extent that one literally gets stuck in a karmic loop where God knows how long it will last. It seems that you need AI (artificial intelligence) and transhumanization to maintain a life cycle, to work with draconian beings and genetically modify humanity to become work slaves.

There is much information about galactic history, the manipulation of DNA, and attempts to separate us from the Source, the Creator. These doors open and you (cabal) try to keep them closed. But it won’t work.

These agreements are based on the fact that you are using our energy, that you are harvesting it because you are parasites and vampires.

This information is accessible everywhere. When my great-grandfather took over the presidency – he was also a general during the Second World War – he had to deal with the manipulation and blocking of the disclosure of the truth, so that everything could take place in secret, the deception of the news and the staging of events that we now understand as false flaggings. This includes mind control and obscure technologies to shape our social life. All of this is now being brought to light.

I feel sorry for you, but I don’t even know if you have a soul. But I hope you realize the extent of the abuses you are committing, which will be brought before a cosmic judgment. So, whatever you wish to do to humanity, there are many dimensions of who we are, and there is a larger picture that awaits you. You are violating the sovereignty and free will of every human being even more than you have already done and you are digging deeper and deeper into your own hell where there is no escape for you. I do not know what this will look like to you. I don’t know at all if you are human beings.

But to try to separate ourselves from Home, from the Creator, and to treat us this way and to separate ourselves from our divine birthright…is not compatible with the Source of unconditional love from which we all came. It comes only from fallen groups who have compromised their DNA and are dependent on human energy as a source of nourishment. Pray for the innocent who are deprived of their essence (soul) and life juice [blood, spinal cord, adrenochrome keyword] through torture and mistreatment.

Note: Since Xavier Naidoo spoke publicly about adrenochrome, the subject has been on everyone’s lips. It is the ultimate secret of the deep State. It is not surprising that the media tries to keep the ball in the air and dismiss the subject as an absurd conspiracy theory. Oliver Janich gets to the bottom of it and provides all the facts and figures in an explosive article.

There are a lot of you and you’re not gonna get away with this. This news is all the stronger as you try to stick to your program. The documentaries are coming out. There are a lot of news channels. You can try to censor until you turn blue. But there are some things you can’t access at all, no matter how you try to manipulate human DNA. There are things you can’t access and they are much stronger than yours. Your only power is to mislead and deceive humanity. But these people wake up very quickly when they see what is at stake.

Many people are not ready for that. But on the cosmic, galactic and earthly levels, we are in a window of time where your program is collapsing. The true essence of light is coming down and people will remember who they really are and they will be freed from your web, from abuse, from nanotechnology, from weather manipulation, from traces of chemicals and all the heavy metals that we have inhaled against our will.

No one elected you to this position. No one elected those cabbalists, those Illuminati. We now have a president who has the support of many people because it looks like he’s going to end human trafficking, and we can only hope for the best. But if you think you can suddenly paralyze us to create goods, to use them as a source of food… Something else will come along that will destroy your abilities, because we disagree. We are sovereign beings and that is against the laws of creation.

Those who are different, those who look at this now, those who look at it from a multidimensional perspective, will not allow you to succeed. And there are armies of light beings that you cannot reach. That will shatter your dark agenda. It is the upliftment of the human heart. Just as the world wars have tried to conquer and separate us, our awareness of unity will increase. All the infiltration, all the darkness. It’s been a huge catalyst for our growth. I thank you for it. But you’ve gone too far.

Too far with these abuses. It’s a violation of everything! You’re destroying the most sacred things. It’s a disgrace. This is not your show here on earth. Mother Earth has influence here, and the spirit and power we bring as humans. As humans grow, you and your kind will be called to account.

Well, I got rid of it.

Hopefully you can find the soul, the heart. You can deal with your troubles as well. Just look in the mirror and see the severe personality disorders. It is much more than narcissism to think that you can continue to play that role in the world. It doesn’t matter how many roles you’ve played in your life. What kind of disorder could it be? Perhaps you should focus on taking essential oils or herbs or spending time in nature. Do you know where you come from? From the Great Mother, the Father, the Universal Field, the Zero Point Energy Source, whatever you want to call it.

Aren’t you children? Who gives you the right and the authority to harm the other children of the Creator? There is no greater evil than to manipulate, lie, and harm the health of the planet, depriving humanity and ourselves of what legally belongs to us. Our 12 strands of DNA and beyond, excluding us from the true source of energy, infiltrating religions, Hollywood, the pharmaceutical industry, to name a few.


The number of benevolent beings, Guardians, is far greater than you and the doors are opening and more and more are coming here. I suggest you stop and begin your karmic healing to gain access to your DNA that you yourself have damaged. You say it’s not possible, it sounds like it’s impossible. I’ve heard whistle-blowers say, “We’re a race of cyborg vampires and we need you as a food source.”

It’s the wrong matrix if you think your existence depends on us as a food source.

All of us together we can begin to take the quality of your food away from you and we call upon the forces of light from within and without and work with the power of nature and the natural cosmic laws to get you where you need to be. In this world there is no criminal in any prison who has done worse than you, for we are dealing with mass murder, I repeat, mass murder. With mass mutilation and crippling of human souls.

If there’s one part of your program that’s positive, I look forward to hearing it. But now I am absolutely convinced that you are playing such a dark and despicable role, with consequences you cannot understand at all. You don’t know what compassion is, what integrity is, a beautiful heart that seeks beauty for humanity, what it means to honor the Earth and be there for it as its guardian and protector. An authority that inspires.

We are not your experience. We are sovereign and you cannot own us.



Conclusion: At present, humanity can be divided into three categories: those who are afraid of the so-called Corona pandemic, those who are afraid of the NWO and those who are already eagerly awaiting the liberation of humanity. Because of the great confusion on earth at the moment, all moods seem legitimate. I am one of those who firmly believes that we are on the verge of the great liberation, because what Trump has accomplished in his office and during the election campaign is not, in my opinion, without a higher consciousness. Furthermore, he recently confirmed that there is currently a massive fight against drug and human traffickers. (see legitim.ch/post) https://www.legitim.ch/post/paukenschlag-trump-best%C3%A4tigt-aktuell-werden-frauen-kinder-befreit Cartels are the henchmen of the deep State, whose criminal operations are largely financed by drug trafficking. At the same time, new breakthroughs are being made in the legal fight against the deep state. Q writes that the FISA Gate scandal will mark the starting signal: “FISA INDICATIONS = START (justice_publique)  “. Also noteworthy is the new educational documentary “OUT OF SHADOWS”, which was produced with extremely professional means by enlightened Hollywood insiders. The first part has already registered more than 2.5 million hits after only a few days. At the moment, everything on earth seems to be coming together, so that nothing stands in the way of a collective awakening. In recent generations, more and more souls have become incarnate, who have relatively quickly reached Christ consciousness in order to make a difference in their professions, whether military, political, media, health, justice, education or other, with their weapons. This was obviously a higher plan, which probably could only work if no one was initiated. Even when the situation still seemed desperate, many lightworkers began to follow the plan, supposedly independently and out of inner desire. Many were ridiculed, harassed and some were killed, but the inner conviction that there was a plan was stronger. Anyone who ignores the manipulation of the media and sees the true potential of humanity knows what I am talking about. It is about humanity and everything that makes up humans. Fathers and mothers who, after a hard day’s work, find the time and energy to play with their children. Selfless acts when someone, out of sheer compassion, helps an elderly human being with his or her shopping. Lighting begins on a small scale, in everyday life, where it can be observed every day, as long as one does not allow oneself to be terrorized by the lies of the media. With the fall of the satanists, light will replace darkness and humanity will really blossom.


Truth can only be ‘experienced’, it can never be 'told'. The documentary Out of shadows.


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