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Walk calmly amidst noise and haste
and think of the peace of silence. As much as possible without giving up on you,
be on good terms with everyone.
Speak your truth calmly and clearly,
and listen to others,
even if they are boring and ignorant,
because they too have to bear their fate.
Avoid the loud and quarrelsome.
They confuse the mind.

Compare yourself with others,
you can become haughty or bitter,
because there will always be people,
who are more important or weaker than you.
Rejoice in what you have achieved and in your plans.
Strive for your own career,
however humble it may be;
it is a permanent possession in the course of time.

Be careful with your business,
because the world is full of deceit.
But do not let the good out of your sight,
for virtue is also present:
Many strive for ideals,
and heroes are everywhere in life.

Be yourself.
Above all, don’t fake any wrong feelings.
Also don’t be cynical when it comes to love,
for despite all the desolation and disappointment it does not wither,
but continues to grow like grass.

Listen kindly to the advice of age,
and renounce with grace the things of youth.
Strengthen the powers of your mind,
to protect you in case of sudden misfortune.
Do not torture yourself with delusions.
Many fears come from exhaustion and loneliness.
With all appropriate discipline,
be kind to yourself.
Just like the trees and stars,
you too are a child of the universe.
You have a right to your existence.

And whether you understand it or not,
the world unfolds as it should.
So remain in peace with God,
whatever God means to you,
and whatever your longings and efforts
in the noisy intricacy of life are –
keep peace in your soul.
With all the deceptions, drudgery and dreams that have run away
it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

☆ ☆ ☆

“Desiderata” by Max Ehrman –
This poem became a kind of talisman in the 1970s at the time of the hippie movement; it was believed that whoever received it would suffer all that was written in it.
And so it was!


Sich für den Schutz des Lebens einsetzen - von Vincent Munier


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