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Gian-Luca Cavigelli

He’s the husband of our wonderful soulmate Manuela, but he also is a very unique man with a very unique sensitivity and a huge intelligence! Former pro snowboarder of the Swiss National team, he converted into a shoe maker, but not just random shoes, he invented a whole new concept of handmade shoe tailoring. Have a look on his homepage www.lemajordome.ch to understand what we’re talking about, and people wearing his shoe tell us they have never been more comfortable. Gian-Luca never says much, but when he says something, it has a meaning! He’s even able to call you up and ask you to contact a person, and without telling you why, and like through a miracle, you find yourself dialing the number of the person he wanted you to meet straight away. There is definitely something greatly magic about this man, who transforms everything into gold what he touches! Gian-Luca is a huge inspiration and a great friend for us, and we’re so proud and happy to have him with us on the 7sky.life boat!


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