Greenhope is no-profit foundation with the aim to engage and sensibilizzare the sports community about the fight against children’s cancer. It was born in Ticino, the italian side of Switzerland, by Claudio Andenmatten and Luca Cereghetti in 2011, as a mountain bike team. The team had the desire to go beyond the simple focus on the sportive performance and to support the fight against cancer. Greenhope is growing with new awesome people that want to spread a message of hope… This year the super creative Tom Alemanno (human being, communicator, DJ, dreamer) at the head of, and Sebalter, talented folk musician, are starting a new adventure. A Tour of Switzerland by bike, following the path of the official “Tour de Suisse”, with many pitstops along the way with concerts, dj set, sports athletes as guests and many other cool meet ups. The aim? Meeting, talking, dancing, playing, doing sports along with carrying and spreading a strong message of hope. Tom and Seba are going to do the whole Tour by bike, they’re going to sweat and it’s going to be tough but they will never give up, this is the message — No matter how tough life can get: never give up!