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Hamid Martin

His life is fueled by one deep longing: being fully alive and sharing this high vibration with people. In his early life Hamid was snowboarding professionally… Intense injury and surgeries ushered him into a more spiritual path. And when his yearning for the next form of passionate creative expression led him into free-form dancing, dance became his spiritual practice. In this new beginning, he enjoyed how much his life of surfing and snowboarding influenced his movement on the dance floor; with even more freedom. Today, Hamid lives in a yurt in Santa Cruz California. He leads amazing transformative conscious dancing experiences as a facilitator and a dj and supports people to live an embodied life where they feel safe to explore and express all the emotional qualities and textures of the human experience. He surfs nearly every day, grows his own food and enjoys being alive in a truly down to earth way. Hamid lives his life with an open heart, his feet are moved by a true communion with the divine aspects of life intertwined with its rich humanness. He is a unique man, with a big loving heart and a shining ride for shift soul. When we met him at the Dancing Freedom Facilitator Training where Hamid was co-facilitating Samantha Sweetwater (founder of Dancing Freedom), he couldn’t but become part of the shifters family… Find out more about him in the article we wrote about him in our 7sky ‘Connection’ Issue, exploring the power of connections.


“If we could express ourselves fully authentically, with total freedom, what would that look like? On the dance floor, and in the daily dance?” ~ Hamid


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