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Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to see them come true. The will to push one’s limits and explore new horizons, the pleasure to meet new people and share new emotions, Handiflight is a non profit organization of “flyable” enthusiastic people promoting “aerotherapy” and “aerobility” by the practice of piloting powered aircrafts (incl. helicopter), gliding, paragliding, hang gliding, skydiving, ballooning, etc… A week-long meeting was organized in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013 on Gruyères’ Airfield in Switzerland. About 40 disabled pilots from Europe, America, Africa and Australia took part in the last editions. The next edition will be organized 7th-14th August 2016.

Yannick Barthe supports

Franziska Neuhaus, Firedancer


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