Back in the days, when I was a a teenager, I saw the world as a cruel, unfair place. I couldn’t understand why people would kill other people? It was the biggest mistery to me. Why do they do it? What is their motivation? I still can’t understand it. But at least I understand that the world is not black and white, good and evil… What if we started to focus our attention on the beauty? What if we started to see more beauty in the world than ugliness? What if there was a decision for us to make. For us all to delete the bad memories, all the terrible experiences, would we accept it? By simply accepting who we are, by accepting our humanity. Because finally, everything that we had to go trough in our life, if we called it good or bad, made us who we are today. In the movie, all of humanity was stripped in their emotions and bad memories like war… We might believe that it’s a good thing, but it’s not. Without knowing what is bad, we will not know what is good. They couldn’t see colors, only black and white. It’s an important message. But there was this one kid who started to see colors, he was called ” The receiver “. The receiver’s job is to know the past and use it to benefit humanity and become ” The giver “. The giver is an old man that shares the memories of the past with the receiver to teach him what it’s like to feel love, happiness, excitement and pain. I am not going into the depths of the movie because I really want all of us to watch it and analyse it. But the movie made me see the world with different eyes. I saw how beautiful it is, how much more love exists than hatered, what it’s like to be a kid again. After having watched the movie, even a small gaze upon the stars made my eyes watery, I finally didn’t see this world for granted anymore and started to see all the beauty that it offers, a beauty that I could also feel in my soul. ‘It only takes one person to change a hundred’. Imagine for a second you walking home down a street in the dark and a man runs up to you and says “give me your phone or something else”. Without hesitation you give it away because you don’t want to get hurt. And after he has left you, you are super mad and sad and blaming the person for having done this to you, even though you never did anything wrong. And if we changed this moment into: “Thank you Mr. for robbing me, now I have the motivation to work harder to get an even better phone “. We will be surprised how much better we feel and how the world starts shifting around us. For me, the world is like a thought mirror, how I imagine it, that’s the way I see it. So let’s start shaping our own world, and let’s enjoy every single moment we are here. ” The giver ” is an eye-opener. It is by far my favorite movie and I am extremely thankful to the producers that changed my life for the better, and maybe it will do something for you too.