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How Van Gogh taught me to clinch to my life-path


Everyone has a story in his/her life, which may seem essential for his/her whole future. This story may be based on a film, a book, a person, etc. My story is based on a book that really had a tremendous effect on my further life. I want to speak about the book “Van Gog’s life”.

I was always fond of art, since my childhood. I liked painting; it was my passion. I was doing that all the time; when I was sad when I was happy when I was disappointed… I was always trying to reflect my feelings on my paintings. The time came when I had to choose a future profession for me. My parents were very excited about this. They wanted me to become a lawyer. It was their dream. They tried to find out every single detail that would help me become a lawyer. I was hesitating, though. I felt as if I was losing the greatest part of me as if I was being forced to change my inner desires. I was upset.           I knew that my ideas about life were completely different and it was in danger. I needed a piece of advice. I had always heard about Van Gog’s difficulties in his profession, but I had never tried to go deep in it. I got the book of his biography and started to read it. I felt I needed someone’s help. I believed I would find my answer in this book. And I did! I read how he started to paint, in spite of his parents’ disagreement, I read how he struggled, how he suffered and he did this until the end of his life, but he did what he wanted. Of course, I was not completely content with what I read about him and I did not want to imitate his life, as it was very complicated (he did not even know that his paintings were of a great value), but I understood one thing. Everyone inside knows what he wants the best and he knows what will make him feel pleased with his life. I did not want to become someone who was the result of his parents’ dream. I wanted to become a man who was what he wanted to be. I wanted to be a painter. Even if I realized that I might never become famous, or that people might never praise my works and my parents might feel ashamed of what I was… I wanted to be a painter and I did it.

Now I have a series of paintings and I really enjoy my job. My parents still try to convince me that I still have time to change my mind, but I am happy. I feel like a fish in water. I love what I do and I love my life. I am a painter and I do not even care what my future may be like – an underrated artist or a popular one.


"Anything is possible". My first Tedx Talk in Martigny.


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