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Humans of Paléo

After 25 years of 7sky Magazine, we officially launched this year in three languages (en-eng-all), our new digital platform 7sky.life! A community platform based on the values of Creativity, Positivity, Love and Responsibility. A social media where everyone is invited to share his inspiration, creativity, beautiful stories, associations, projects…! Always based on the same values.

The Paleo Festival 2016 approaching, I had an idea! Why not go to meet the people there in order to present them? A picture, a word, a sentence, a story, a feeling … Humans of Paleo was born! Throughout the festival, I’ll take pictures and capture the feelings of the festivalfellows, be it the most mondane person to the craziest one, from the youngest to the oldest.

To give you an idea, I invite you to take a look at this page that made the buzz in the world, which inspired me directly for this concept: https: //www.facebook..com/humansofnewyork/ ? fref = ts

Every day, and almost instantly, I will publish on our site and facebook the stories and photos made during the day https://www.facebook.com/7skymag/


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