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I am a dreamer yes, but dreaming is the way to push your limits

For once I leave the words to my brother. He’s a close person to me, but he’s living abroad since a looong time. He often gives news from his adventures to his family and closest friends. So he did in the end of the year 2017 and I’d like to share his writing with you, because I think it’s inspiring what he does. Living his dream…and that’s what 7sky.life is all about… no?

I always like to tell his story! I hope you feel it. I’m proud of you brotherhood!

A letter from Pascal Wernli:

Happy New Year to my closest people

One year ago I approached most of you in the same way and now the last digit in the calender again is taking its turn. Last year I wrote you from the wild coast in South Africa, this year from the high altitudes of Columbia. Yes I am so blessed that my journey continued for the entire 2017 and I am still a fully positive, energetic and satisfied backpacker.

The year started with Joah’s visit. Together we hired a car and traveled up the Garden Route for 3 weeks, the touristic counterpart of the wild coast. Once in Cape Town, my next boat lift was already waiting…
After a week of cleaning, maintaining and purchasing proviant, three Italians, one Brazilian and one Swiss headed out to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Calm weather, this huge Catamaran, our professional and gastronomic crew and the short stop over on the British colonial Island Saint Helena made this journey consistently comfortable. Brazil was not on my original travel route, but our boat landed as planned in northeastern Salvador de Bahia…
Three months in this energetic country went by faster than I could realize. I experienced natural wonders, paradisic beaches and the buzzing capitals of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. All together just four stops and I stood on the bolivian boarder already. Actually my first boarder crossing without a capitain taking care for all the obligations, but many more of these crossings were yet to come…
I’ve always been impressed about Bolivia, what got confirmed even more while Betiana and I explored its nature and its cities, its hospitality and its traditions, from the humid low lands up to the colorful high mountains. And then, while volunteering in an organic garden and enduring nights of uncertainty, a long lasting dream of mine became reality: I finally could sit on my own bolivian motorbike, named Tunupa. After an amazing ride on Bolivia’s salt desert “Salar de Uyuni”, Tunupa and I continued on asphalt and sand northern wards up the Andean mountains. Then followed two longer stops in La Paz and around the Lago Titicaca and here we were on the Peruanian boarder. This time handling a little bit more of paper work in order to let Tunupa and me cross over to Peru together…
The trekking up to the Machu Picchu, the absolutely stunning ride up and down the steep flanks of the Andes until Lima and then the entering in warmer and tropical zones brought us relatively fast to the Ecuadorian border…
In this new territory Tunupa and I again would climb up the mountains, where my cousin Thomasin joined in Quito. Together we prepared and forced ourselves on the top of the 5700m high volcano Cayambé, before relaxing on a boat cruise around the Galápagos archipelago. There, another dream became true:  I got my first assignment as a Dive Master. Yes I practically saw all the land and all the marine species around this unreal natural wonder which are the Galápagos, before coming back to main land, saddling Tunupa again and heading off to the Columbian border…
In Bogota, my friend Max joined me. Together we followed indigenous paths before exploring Columbias city life…
And here I am now… Will see what comes next..

The friendliness, the helpfulness, the positivity, the power and the music of the inhabitants of South America are absolutely contagious.
All this brings me to my deep recognition of the indigenous tribes around the Andes. The people whoses lands, richness,  believes, had been stolen by us westerners. As a consequence, they had to adapt to our completely different lifestyle. My admiration goes to their original way of living, full of respect for “Pachamama”, our Mother Earth. On whom we stand all together; And on whom we depend all together!

I am a dreamer yes, but dreaming is the way to push your limits. For me it has worked, and during the year 2017, many of my dreams have become true. Despite the priceless travel experiences I recognize more and more how nice it is to get a personal, honest feedback and to share decisions. Finally I started to dream about my return to Suiza, where I dream to meet all of you and to tell you about my unforgetable adventures!

I wish all of you a new year full of dreams, because dreams are made to become true, just believe in it!

Happy 2018.

Raphi supports

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