Whether we are freedom-fighter or newspaper readers, we do have one thing in common. We are controlled, until we wake up to what’s really going on. 7sky.life is here as well to open up visions and views to other perspectives, to encourage to take our lives in our hands, to not endure slavery any longer, suppression, and to understand that we can change things, in feeling as well that we are beautifully surrounded by the visible and the unvisible world, and that we have so much more strength and power within us than we might think we have. We are definitely here as well to help us wake up to a new world, where collaboration happens, where peace reigns and where we can all enrichen our world with our gifts and talents.
It might be tough to listen to this video of David Icke, but it’s definitely worth to give it a try and to start investigating, if our temper is triggered. There is so much non-censured valuable stuff on the net, stories we’d never read in the mainstream medias. David explains how ‘freedom’ foundations and initiatives are ‘supported’ for millions of dollars by the ones ruling our world and how they defend from then on the interests of their donors. We are definitely still living in a world where money rules the world. And with money comes power, comes fear of losing it, comes corruption, comes control. And at the same time, in seeing through this game, comes a big chance to change the established rules! David Icke talks about the school-system and what we do to our children pushing them through it and wishing them to succeed in order to find a well-paid decent job. He talks about the harm education does and at the end, he helps us understand how all this system in place prevents us from shining our own lights, until we shift…