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James Redfield

Who hasn’t read James Redfields books or watched his film Celestines Prophecy? For many people, James books have been great revelations, and what is said in it was also for a great part true for us. We had the immense privilege to meet James in a Conference in Biarritz in November 2014. His two hours talk about love and life couldn’t have been more touchy, and I noticed myself again and again holding my neighbors hands or knees when I felt the love flowing through me thanks to his soothing and beautiful words. And my friends did the same, all the 6 of us, we held each other, and at one stage, James said to the 200 spectators, today, it is more important than ever before, that we unite. Like this group, right here, pointing on us. And I understood that when we love, we want to hold each other, we can only build beauty and we cannot destroy. And how happy we were as well, when James right away agreed to be part of this project.

Coco Tache supports

Dieter Broers


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