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John Doan: A Celtic Pilgrimage

Witness John Doan’s Celtic Pilgrimage with his Harp Guitar, through centuries of ancient tales and music. This is a live recording at the Kornspeicher in Wels, Austria in May 2011. Guest singer was Rija. Length: 1:11:19 (see vimeo video below). John Doan is a very sensitive and spiritual musician who also created the album “Celtic Pilgrimage”. I had the opportunity to meet the artist the day after his performance in Wels. Learn the secrets of John’s philosophy and music in this soulful and beautiful interview, entitled “Sharing a Moment in Time through Music”. Length: 40:26 min. The background music is taken from the mentioned performance in Wels (see YouTube video below). COMMENTS on the interview:

Thanks for this interview! I love this man! When I first heard his live performance “Celtic Pilgrimage’ I was simply stunned, so much great and inspiring music without any fancy technical trics? I could not understand it, then it came to my mind that he is somehow true to himself, his music and his audience.. More true than majority of musicians actually.. After this interview I can see that everything emerges from his well tuned state of mind. John has a point in some very important things, amongst them that music should be more like telling a good story, to give people something to “muse” about not only “amuse” them. When he speaks about music you can see that there are some important intervals (maj3, min7) that are actually bit out of tune in ET tuned instruments, good to keep in mind. He is my superhero as a person, composer and musician! I wish I had a teacher of music like him when I was growing up. – Michal Podhradský

An excellent “interview”. I appreciate how there is no interference from an interviewer.  From a thoughtful, humane musician, seeking truth. I think he is genuinely on the right path. He seems to have emerged from a vague New Age spirituality to something more substantial and real. And I sense that he’s courageous enough to follow the truth wherever it may lead. I respect that. BTW, I also think his playing is brilliant and inspired. – William Brown


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