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Easkey Britton

Text : Stéphanie Etienne / Image : © Tomas Hein


I keep this motto “Do it with passion or not at all” that follows me every day. Before this weekend, I had never heard about professional surfer Easkey Britton. I was “navigating” through the web and came upon this TED talk (if you don’t know TED talks you have to watch their videos: ted.com). As I begin watching the conference, I saw “my” motto coming up. Easkey talks about surfing and passion. For most of the people, surfing is just a sport, a fun time but for Easkey it’s so much more, and I can’t agree more. Surfing teaches us to fall and to go on and on. It connects people and makes us learn so much things about life and how we interact with other people. So if you have 12 minutes left now, it’s worth it… a life lesson!


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