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The Birth of Fibie

Every birth is a great initiation, for the child as for the mother. The father is the guardian of their intimacy. He embodies the lighthouse, that of the earth in the waves of the high seas, the mountain. Stable and settled that no one can shake. The mother and the child then enter a dance, that of the greatest celebration of life. Each birth is lived together, the child follows his path, the one he started for several months already. He already creates his birthmarks, already places his strengths and challenges, those who bitterly realize his Mission of Life. The Mother is invited to dive into the amplitude of female energy, discovering another part of herself illuminated by the energy of the child she carries in her. The child and the woman together create this event closer to who they are.

As I look at the full moon slowly dying on a smooth sea at dawn, I know our child will be born today. Xavier is already gone running and he too receives the same message. Everything is set up with great synchronicity. The uterine waves begin when a peace invades me. Nayla, our first daughter, is ready for this moment, she is prepared for it. She will join our friend Claude with excitement. She will finally meet the baby. We are waiting for the last moments in the cocoon of our home. Once at the maternity ward, we are alone, both in a room. And that’s exactly what we wanted. The obstetrician is stuck in the operating room… Everything happens then very quickly. I let myself get through by the powerful energy of life, by the sacredness of the moment, by the strength of feminine energy, by the opening of my body. The intensity is so powerful that my body trembles and yet internally I smile at the arrival of our child. We are deeply connected to each other. Xavier is there, in a full presence. He accompanies us both in support and unconditional Love. I just have time to get into the bathtub and our daughter is born in the water just as the doctor enters the room. Fibie then comes against my skin, me being huddled up in the arms of the one I love. She arrives with her eyes wide open with an intense look, that of the first encounter. She is still connected to her placenta, which fed her during her nine months, this sacred chakra. The cord pulses for about ten minutes, while we are bathing in a wave of love. Our daughter joined us, she was born on Earth on August 9th, 2017 following the lunar eclipse. Fibie has a great sweetness, a purity of heart that transmutes all that surrounds it.

This birth happened in the determination and sweetness of our child. For me, it has been a powerful introduction to feminine energy in each of my cells. She took me on still unexplored paths, she made me touch the energy of life.



Xavier Celine Nayla Fibie supports

La Perte d'un bébé - des mots d'amour et d'encouragement.


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