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Love is the ultimate force of the universe

So beautiful! .. And true. Thank you to the unknown who posted this letter, from the ‘cells’ to us.

“To the world’s surface now there is war, violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly at the same time something different is happening under the surface. It is an inner revolution and we are called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution, from the inside outward, from the bottom up. It is a global operation, a spiritual conspiracy. There are cells in every nation on the planet. You will not see us on TV, you will not read us in the newspaper, you will not hear us in the radio. We do not seek glory. We do not wear uniforms. We come in all shapes and sizes, different colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are working quietly behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world. Large and small cities, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You might cross us in the streets without noticing. We are “undercover” we remain behind the scenes. We don’t care who gets the praise. We just help the work to be done. Sometimes we notice each other in the street, we do signs and continue our way. During daytime many of us pretend to have a normal job. But behind the display, in the nighttime, the real work begins. We are slowly creating a new world. We live with passion and joy. Our orders come from the spiritual intelligence. We dispel sweet love bombs when no one is looking. Poems, hugs, music, photos, movies, kind words, smiles, meditations and prayers, dancing, social activism, web sites, blogs, acts of kindness … We speak each in our own unique way with our unique talents and gifts. We are the change we wish to see in the world. This is the pattern that fills our heart. We know that this is the only way for true transformation. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans together. Our work is slow and meticulous, like the formation of mountains. It’s not seen at first sight. Yet entire tectonic plates will shake well. Love is the ultime force of the universe. It does not take much education or have exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart included in the eternal evolutionary pulse of all human beings. We are the change we wish to see in the world. Nobody can do it for us.

We are recruting now. Maybe you’re going to join us, or you have done it already. Everybody is welcome. The door is greatly open.”

(thank you for the sharing Patrick Giani via Sylvie Moyroud‎ via Valérie Penven)”

Coco Tache supports

Prière pour Nice


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