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By flying together, they support each other. The message of the white geese

A strange sound reaches me. Shrill cries. Suddenly, I see them. Hundreds of white geese are cackling and squawking. In a V formation, they fly right over our heads. They are so close that we can hear the thousands of beats of their wings, like a breath that reaches us. In unison, they follow each other, encouraging each other with their calls and helping each other. In the middle of the migration, they take off, following their path and gather by hundreds on the lake before continuing further north.

For a week, we are lined up in their path. Each day they fly over us, like an invitation. First of all, an invitation to be lighter. By accepting what is, we can always choose to nurture joy within us and trust. We can always turn our gaze to gratitude, to what brightens our day, remembering that it is a choice. By their white color, they also offer us a message of purity, agreeing to reveal and live what is purest in us, in respect and acceptance of our fragility and vulnerability. Purity is also about reconnecting with the innocent joy, the radiant gaiety of our inner child.

Above all, geese have a message of adelphity, community and mutual support. By flying together, they support each other. The V-formation allows them to take advantage of the wake of the preceding bird to move forward. When the leading bird is tired, it spontaneously leaves its place to join the end of the formation while the next one is already taking over. When a goose is sick, it abandons the flight. It is always followed by others who protect it and accompany it until it is able to rejoin the group. This solidarity, this mutual aid, this horizontal vision of functioning in a group opens up a path of the heart for the complexity of the current situation. Are we capable of nourishing brotherhood and sisterhood, respecting our differences in order to move forward together? Do we agree to welcome the diversity of voices, to grow from each point of view that illuminates reality from a new angle? Can we imagine flying in the same direction without having to impose our choices on the other? Are we willing to pass the torch?

The migration of these geese is much more than an exhilarating spectacle of magic. It subtly whispers to us: Are we willing to take flight? What do I need to follow my path?

For us, this synchronicity is fascinating. We too are taking flight, first of all because we are returning to our migration route after a winter retreat. And yet, this departure is even more. 11 years of nomadism, 11 years on the roads of the world. Beyond the journey, beyond the adventure, beyond the exploration, Life has not stopped guiding us with its teachings. Today, we share these messages, these teachings, these inspirations as ambassadors of a life that listens to our inner Truth, as ambassadors of free education through nature, as ambassadors of a new parenthood, as ambassadors of a life interconnected with every aspect of Life.

Our nomadic life is an endless quest for inner freedom. Our writings and photographs are thus avenues of reflection to inspire each of us to open the doors of our inner prisons and open ourselves to infinite possibilities.

This quest pushes us like acrobats-balancers towards more and more confidence in Life and in Abundance. For us too, it is a flight.

Xavier Celine Nayla Fibie supports

Nomads in the Heart of the Elements - an initiatic journey by bicyle


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