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Let the pain go and step into your own power.

A very personal and empowering story about how to let go of the pain of living by beautiful Adam Roa – life coach, wisdom speaker, spiritual activist and self-development workshops leader.

When you don’t let go of your wounds, you dedicate a portion of your Spirit, your energy, to holding on to them. You wear the pain as energetic armor, buying in to the illusion that life can’t surprise you with new wounds if you’re still wearing the remnants of the last one. This fragmentation of your energy slows down the speed at which you move through life. You can feel “stuck” in your current chapter, struggling to get to the next one that you know is so damn close. Perhaps it shows up as incremental progress, never truly exploding in the way you want.

I know this because I have done it most of my life. I’ve held on to the painful stories of my upbringing. I’ve attached myself to the righteous anger at a World I didn’t align with. And above all I have been afraid of what might happen if I allowed myself to fully step in to my power. I was slowing my growth down to match my level of comfort, without even being consciously aware that I was doing it.

Developing my understanding of what was happening and how to overcome it has been the single most powerful shift in my life. It has looked very different at times, but it’s been constant, and the results are mind-blowing. I often reflect on how I got here and can’t help but laugh because it feels like it’s only the beginning. And beginnings are exciting.

Heal the wounds. Get under the pain and let it go. You will be shocked at how fast you can create your greatest desires by dropping the baggage. You’re infinite, and anything less than that is a prison cell of your own creation, conscious or unconscious. Time to set yourself free. If you would like support and guidance through the process, message me, as I will have one spot opening for private coaching starting early January.

It’s your story, so you get to decide when the next chapter begins. How’s it feel to have that much power?

You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.




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