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Living Food: an easy guide how to start growing your own sprouts

Have you ever wondered what “living foods” mean? I am pretty sure you have heard the term before. It is commonly attributed to vegetables with a high living energy – or also called – prana. Prana is the life energy, that what emerges when something becomes “alive”. So a sprout, that has just emerged from a dried bean to become a plant, is FULL of this life energy.

In case that itself has not yet convinced you to grow your own sprouts just quite yet, let me give you some facts:

  • It is super easy.

  • It is super cheap.

  • Sprouts are probably the most tasty raw vegetable source of high content protein!

  • They aid your digestion and boost your immune system.

  • Sprouted seeds are no longer acid for your internal pH and provide the highest bioavailability of their nutrients in their sprouted form.

  • Sprouts are full of alive energy.

  • It is simply beautiful to watch them grow…

What to sprout

  • Lentils

  • Peas

  • Beans

  • Grains

Basically pretty much anything that would grow into a small plant if you planted it into soil. For your easy start: mung beans, green lentils and alfalfa seeds.

How to sprout

The fancy way: you can buy a sprouting jar or similar and follow the instructions.

The easy way:

Day 1: add your desired amount of sprouts into a soup bowl and cover it with water for a few hours. Transfer into a sieve and let the water drop off. Put the moist sprouts into a glass jar, covering it lightly with a paper towl. Let sit in daylight in a warm spot till the next day.

Some sprouts will already start to grow! Others may take a few days.

Day 2: transfer your sprouts back into a sieve and wash gently. Back in the glassjar, let them grow more. Always cover your jar to prevent dirt to invade your sprouts.

Depending on the temperature and type of sprouts you are growing, it can take 3-5 days until they are ready to eat.

Once your sprouts have reached the desired growth (I usually wait until the tip of the sprout gets a bit green), close your glass jar with a lid and put it in the fridge. Eat within 2-3 days. If you intend to keep them longer in the fridge, make sure you wash them every day or so. I have kept sprouts up to 10 days.

Enjoy!! 🙂

Sonia Sarina supports

Nourrir son Âme et être souverain - avec Jacques Antonin


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