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Lockdown in India : A tragedy for millions

My Dear Friends,

I hope this note finds you in good health and spirits.

As some of you may already know, I have been in India since February due to the lockdown – a blessing to be with my mother during this time after losing my father.

My emotions have run the gamut from sadness to acceptance to serenity to gratitude… finding love, joy, and beauty in the simplicity and truth of life.

At the same time, it has been difficult for me to ignore the suffering of many around us.  Reflection and a small action of love, empathy and solidarity has helped me stay centred, and given me perspective. I just wanted to share this with you (I attach a little write-up).

I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you again soon. I miss you All.

Love, light and peace,



Solidarity, Empathy, Love wherever we are …

Many of you would have read and seen images of what ensued from the lockdown in India. Loss of income, homelessness, hunger, uncertainty, brutality, emotional trauma, physical suffering, distress became a reality for millions of poor, daily wage
earners, mostly migrant workers in cities. Thousands started walking for hundreds of kilometres without food or water, many with little children, to their villages and families .. one could only imagine their misery.
Although numerous acts of compassion from civil society, NGOs, communities and individuals helped mitigate the crisis a bit, its sheer scale and intensity needed much more to be done both immediate and long term.

A time for reflection

How could we as a nation, as a society, as individuals let this happen .. or be bystanders ?
Many of us are probably asking similar questions and really wanting to do something, change things, so let’s start by believing we can make a difference …

The lockdown exposed the underlying perils of a long standing, unjust ‘system’ that needs to be unravelled and acknowledged without judgement or blame, but with honesty and constructive critique … and then with solidarity, courage and determination, we break away from this past, and imagine a new way forward accompanied by change towards a kinder world for All . To that end, let’s stand together and make a start , wherever we are … one step at a time.

I would like to share with you one small action made possible with the support of friends and family (in particular my inspiring aunt and uncle) in Chandigarh where destiny has placed me with my wonderful mother during this time.

Making a start
The immediate need was to provide food and safety to the people impacted … and it was heart warming to see so many
acts of kindness and generosity emerge. Together with my family we have been able to reach 150+ migrant families around us :
People who are known to us like the neighbourhood laundrymen, gardeners, fruit and vegetable vendors, street cleaners, and others. Those living in shift slums for migrant workers. We have been running two schools in these slums (for 100 children) which allows us to leverage a network of volunteers to identify and reach out to the impacted families.
We distribute food supplies and other essentials (cost approx. Rs 6000/80 C HF per family/per month)
Get children to engage in joyful activities to help them cope with this incomprehensible confinement, and arrange access to online education for a few. Give encouragement and hope, and say we care..

And continuing …
We keep the hope and continue the work in our little ecosystem .. projecting a better future for All. Returning livelihoods, dignity and hope to the workers and their families. Creating innovative ways of learning and additional opportunities in the slums to keep as many children as possible off the streets and prepare them for entry into proper schools.

Helping children realize their dreams and get out of the vicious cycle of poverty specifically we are currently supporting private education and development of 9 children.

Scaling up, to include more children and families, Generating awareness and promoting inclusive, fair and integrated communities

Ready Set Go … toward
Realizing dreams
Giving back
A better world

email ena.singh@gmail.com if you would like to help us, or share an inspiring action every bit can make a difference.

In loving memory of my father who put me on the path,

Of realizing that seva (service) is joy.


The 7 Steps of Evolution - A Story Taking Place in the East


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