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As if in apnea, some have stopped breathing the joy of life

Here in Quebec, the lockdown was strict. For months, it was forbidden to invite people into your home, but even more so, it was forbidden to do activities with others in the streets or outdoors. Surrounded by a wave of fear that the media fed, there was an inevitable withdrawal. However, this withdrawal has created an invisible barrier, the fear of the other and of the outside reality. It is enough to imagine the world through the eye of what is constantly broadcast to us to imagine the worst. As if in apnea, some have stopped breathing the joy of life. Yet, all of us have been affected, because cut off from the links with our peers, we have forgotten.

When we take the road again on our bikes, everything is still mixed. Opening-closing, nothing is clear. We choose again to feel what is right by trying. Because taking the first step is the only way to know in our hearts if it is aligned and in harmony. We go on an adventure and we will see if the situation is right. And there in front of us unfolds the world as we left it before the pandemic. Not a world at war with a virus, not the demons of the media, nor those of our imagination. If we had arrived from another planet, there would have been no sign of this pandemic. Everything is calm and serene, the people we meet along the road are as smiling and welcoming as ever, we are offered hospitality to pitch our tent.

A relief resounds in us. And it is well that which troubles us. We were not even aware that we had painted on the outside the color of doubts and fears, as if the world had been tinted without our knowledge. I wonder then about all those who do not dare to try anymore, who do not take the first step to see and feel what our world really tastes like. This does not only apply to those who have remained confined. Those who saw the pandemic through the media are even more panicked, because what was broadcast was only part of the reality. It is not so simple to dare to make this passage, we must first accept to erase everything that is already written, as if we were putting our footprints on the Earth for the first time. Can we live as if everything were free of the weight of our expectations again? By simply aligning ourselves with what is right in the present space-time? Can we feel each breath as if it were the first?

Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qR1BWEKWJrSHaudLEbPhA

Xavier Celine Nayla Fibie supports

Nomads in the Heart of the Elements - an initiatic journey by bicyle


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