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Meet Aurora and Her Powerful Music!

Aurora is a blond angel from the northern lands that is conquering the world through her delicate and yet deeply powerful music. Warrior is a very special song by this unique woman. Listen to the words and watch Aurora singing it and you’ll know why… The song quickly became an anthem for her fans, who she calls ‘’Warrior and Weirdos’‘. It is also a song that reminds us that even if we find ourselves in dark times, we must fight. We cannot surrender, we have to stay there, walk the path in the forest and trust because only through darkness we can see the light. She reminds us how strong we can be when we’re walking through our most vulnerable places…

“I call myself a warrior even though I’ve never held a sword or anything else that can hurt people physically, but people have fights in their lives, small and big. And it’s a nice thought, that people can walk around and call themselves warriors, which they should do, whether they’re a fan of me or not. It’s strong. It’s important to remember that, how strong we are.” – Aurora

Keri supports

Tash Sultana. Divine. Powerful. Musician.


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