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Message from Benki Piyako regarding the Amazonian Rainforest

Message from Benki Piyako regarding the disastrous presidential election in Brazil for indigenous peoples and the Amazonian Rainforest. Benki Piyako is the spiritual leader of the Ashaninka people and great protector of the Amazonian Rainforest. Avatar (Antaviari in his language), he is the custodian and guardian of these people’s invaluable millennial knowledge to heal the planet.

” I felt the embrace of the forest like a mother so pure that I recognized everything in my life as being divine. Then I saw the so innocent and defenceless animals, forests and rivers being destroyed. That is why, since my childhood, I have dedicated my life to helping them.

I call on men of love and peace to join us in protecting those beings who are disappearing from the planet because of the destruction of our world. God protects me and we are one in this world.

The light of the Universe illuminates all of us. All diseases can be cured when we embrace our faith and we cure ourselves. The earth is sick and we are guilty of this disease.

We must do our part. I do it to motivate others to take care of the forest and water sources, to heal the contamination that we have caused. I am doing my part and appeal to those who want to plant together in order to heal it, the time has come.

Our people have a flag and a conquest. Our struggle has not ended, and we are strong together. The world will feel that people wake up when the darkness expands even further, and a new time will open up in which we will all unite and make the most of our knowledge that will become light and a teaching for the world. I know it won’t be easy, but there is hope.

I will plant the land to leave my legacy to the world without leaving the line. We are all together sisters, brothers and partners.

These words come from my heart.

Benki “


Benki Piyako – Ashaninka – Awakener of the consciousness, serving mother earth.


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